Sunday, January 2, 2011

The fun first week with MY Dixie


Getting Dixie was the best Christmas presant ever!! And as Mare said "nice going Net you set the new highest standard for gift giving!" haha It's going to be a great year... hopefully! Mare and i rode 8 times in the 7 days i was there to visit: we had some official lessons from Net and just some fun play around days, hopefully those are signs of the good year to come. Yesterday was awesome because we rode twice once in the morning and once in the evening.
              Our ride in the morning wasn't so great... Missy was sassy (must be taking lessons from Dix) and was giving Mary a hard time which all us horse people know is SO frustrating. Our 2nd closest friend Jasse was also there so i let her ride Dixie for a bit. She isn't a bad rider just a little strong in the hands. Missy finally stopped being sassy for a period of time so we decided to in.
Jasse riding my Dixie mare

              During our second ride we decided just to have fun and ride our girls in their halters and and clip-on reins. It was very fun to just ride around for the fun of it, we went up the path to the outdoor arena then circled around the little ring and rode around some more. When we were up at the outdoor we let the girls play in puddles that were made from the overnight rain... They loved it!! Missy kept standing in the deep sections and wiggling her lips and tossing her head to splash in the water; and Dixie liked the little puddles that she could put her head down and walk from one puddle to the next the best.
Me riding my Dix in the outdoor


  1. Dixie is just too cute! I love drafts and draft crosses.

  2. I'm trying to block yesterday morning's ride from my mind. It was a distaster. I don't even know what her deal was, and I was just getting so upset...Oh well, I was just happy to end it on a good note, and I was ever so thankful that she was being my Missy again during our afternoon ride!
